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Metalúrgica Riba, s.l. is a Barcelona, Spain-based company established in 1989 which is specialized in the sales and services (installation, maintenance and repair) for power plants, industrial and marine engines, diesel and gas generator sets and water turbines.

Our engineering team is well experienced in the designing of power plant installation projects, feasibility studies and development projects for all types of power plants according to our client’s power generation and fuel consumption needs.

During the past years our team has been keeping the management and service for some important power plants in southern Europe including a 30 MW. power plant running with seven Sulzer 40-48 type engines in Sant Bartomeu del Grau (Barcelona) and a 12 MW. power plant running with two Wärtsilä VASA 16V32 in Bolzano (Alto Adige). Moreover, we offer marine and industrial repair including engine overhauling for the main makes, the replacing, grinding and refurbishment of damaged parts and the supply of spare parts for various combined heat and power (CHP) power plants, ships, textile factories, sewage treatment plants, city water supplying plants and public transport stations in Spain.

We also deal with preowned power plants, hfo, diesel and gas engines up to sixty megawatts and various used equipment. Thus we have been exporting preowned generating units since the last ten years successfully. Our customers are mainly located in Europe and South-eastern Asia. Our company has also been supporting dismantling, plant reinstallation and commissioning in countries like Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. Our offers which are updated in a weekly basis include preowned diesel and natural gas power plants, generator sets and spare parts. In our site you will find a detailed explanation of our services and selling leads arranged in a way so that we can deal with every specific need within the energy generating industry including power plants, hfo, diesel, gas and dual fuel engines, generator sets, water turbines and various equipment and tools like electric generators, CHP and cogeneration systems, ancillary systems, control panels, steam and heat recovery boilers, cooling towers, storage tanks, centrifuges, valves, pumps, piping, wiring, transformers and precision tools. In addition to this, we are also able to offer our customers various services such as engine overhauling, reconditioning of parts, dismantling, craning, labeling, packaging, transport and sea freight worldwide.

Our offices are located in Santpedor, Barcelona (Spain). For more information please contact us by filling the form in the contact section or by sending an email to the following email address: metalriba(at)metalriba(dot)com including your company details and all your questions. You will receive our answer asap.